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This page shows the available art work I have for sale
All artwork is printed on a superior quality acid free paper. Signed and numbered limited edition prints.
There are no second printings: when an addition sells out, it is gone.
Shipped in a round cardboard tube!
Scroll beyond shipping rates to see available selections.
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click here for additional closeup details on some prints

Country Comfort
This print has always been one of my favorites. Numerous of my own personal items were used as props for this drawing. The old stove, fry pans, oil lamps and crock are family heirlooms., the can on the shelf is the pencil can from the desk in my studio, the calendar is a miniature version of my print (Our day will come) and the date marked on the calendar is my birth date.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 9" (H) x 11& 3/4" (W)
overall print size 12" (H) x 14" (W)

Drumming Up Business
I've always loved the sound of a drumming Partridge. To me, there's just something mysterious about it. Whether I was on a hike, or busy working on a woodpile, I'd always pause to listen whenever I heard one commence his harmonic ritual. A welcoming sound of both spring and fall - the two seasons that I most anxiously await. I got to witness this performance one fall day while I was on stand high in a hemlock. I climbed up there to watch a well worn deer trail but the grouse dominated my attention with his captivating performance. Although I didn't get a deer that morning, I will always look back on this day to be one of my most successful and rewarding hunts.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 13 & 5/8" (H) x 13 & 1/2" (W)
overall print size 18" (H) x 17 & 1/4" (W)

A Cast In The Shallows
When I was a boy, my dad often took me to remote beaver ponds to fish for native trout. He'd magically work a fly through the submerged timber and always succeed in filling his creel. I created this drawing with him in mind. This big brown is cruising the shallows through the fallen timber and is just about to turn for a fisherman's fly. Fishing remote waters for Native Trout is still my favorite method of fishing.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 9" (H) x 11 & 3/4" (W)
overall print size 12" (H) x 14" (W)

Aged To Perfection
My inspiration for this drawing comes from the results of a successful bow hunt in 1999. At the time, this buck was the most magnificent whitetail I had ever harvested. He scored as the #2 archery buck for the state of NH, so I created this drawing as sort of a tribute to the ole boy. He sported a perfectly symmetrical rack and seeing that he was estimated as a four and a half year old deer, I decided to draw his life cycle with the images of the four seasons. Starting in the lower left hand corner as a fawn and progressing through the years until he had by all means... aged to perfection.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 18 & 1/2" (H) x 16 & 1/2"(W)
overall print size 21 & 1/2" (H) x 18 & 1/2" (W)

Watching Her Weight
This print depicts the curiosity and playfulness of a kitten as she comically teeters atop a bouncy scale - pawing at the needle as it sways
beneath her.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
*Overall print size 18 & 1/2 (H) x 15 & 1/2 (W)
*Despite the image online, this print does not have a white border

overall print size 17 (H) x 21 (W)
Precious Cargo
I wanted to draw this truckload of puppies from the very first moment I saw them. I was attending an art show in Maryland and a friend dropped by my booth with this photograph. This was one of those pictures that I just couldn't wait to get started on. It's not very often I get the opportunity to have 7 puppies perfectly posed in a single photograph. I changed the pickup to an older model truck to add a little nostalgia to the drawing.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
*Despite the image online, this print does not have a white border

Our Day Will Come
I did a lot of waterfowl hunting back in the eighties with a worn out old yellow Lab cross named Buck. I also had a new Lab pup in the household and it was common to find her curled up with the damp, duck smelling hunting gear. It was evident that she was a natural born hunter from the get go - but just a bit too young to participate in the hunting activities. I photographed her with the gear one day and the seed became planted for this drawing. I worked from a few different photos to portray a pair of young Labs that anxiously await their first day afield and added the old shot-shell box for nostalgia.
Printed on a bright white acid free paper
*This print has a very slight wrinkle in the upper edge of the paper and is marked down from its original price. The imperfection is along the edge only and does not effect the image. It will not be visible when matted and framed.
Image size 13" (H) x 13 & 3/8 (W)
overall print size 17" (H) x 17 & 1/2 (W)

True Companions
I think True Companions is the finest of all of my creations. Some of my other drawings may have it beat with complex compositions, but this one has a degree of realism and possesses a photographic quality that I've never been able repeat. My ongoing fondness of black labs and fall marshes is evident here. I put a lot of heart and soul into this one
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 11 & 1/2" (H) x 8 & 7/8"(W)
overall print size 15 & 3/4" (H) x 12 & 3/4" (W)

Wetland Wanderer
My Alaskan journeys were the inspiration for this drawing. I photographed this cow moose on several occasions during my stay in Homer Alaska in 1989. She was my "yard moose" and visited my cabin on a daily basis. She drank water from the barrels I had under the eaves of my cabin and and used the logs on my porch as scratching post. She was pregnant in the photograph that I used for this drawing and gave birth to twins in the meadow by the cabin. The trio continued their daily visits during the entire six months of my stay.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
image size 10 & 1/4" (H) x 7 & 1/4"(W)
overall print size 14 & 1/4 (H) x 11 & 1/4 (W)

image size 13 & 3/4" (H) x 16 & 7/8"(W)
overall print size 17 & 1/2 (H) x 21 & 1/4 (W)
Forgotten Treasure
I was driving down the road one day when I noticed an old car parked in the back of a field. It was overgrown and obviously had been there a while. I've always been intrigued by old treasures like this so I stopped with my camera on my next trip through to gather reference material for my drawings. In the process of photographing the old car I stumbled across numerous old treasures. One idea fed off of another and Before I knew it, I had embarked on one of the most complicated - but also most enjoyable project of my career. Forgotten treasure became an obsession which took me 254 hours to complete.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper

Little Stinkers
My childhood memories were my inspiration for this drawing with no explanation needed. Perfect camp or bathroom art! Note the sources of 'stink' ...the outhouse, the skunks and the flowers which are at times referred to as 'Stinking Benjamin'.
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
*overall print size14" (H) x 11" (W)
*Despite the image online, this print does not have a white border

Out of The Thicket
This is one of my earlier prints from the good ole days, before I became obsessed with detail. I used much simpler sketching techniques in my early works and this one has a nice old fashioned feel to it.
Printed on a bright white acid free paper
image size 12 & 1/4" (H) x 14 & 1/2"(W)
overall print size 16 & 1/2 (H) x 18 & 3/4 (W)
*This print has a very slight wrinkle in the upper edge of the paper and is marked down from its original price. The imperfection is along the edge only and does not effect the image. It will not be visible when matted and framed.

Looking For Trouble
I couldn't have come up with a more appropriate title for this group of mischievous little rotties now,
could I?
Printed on a soft white acid free paper
overall print size10" (H) x 15 &1/2" (W)

Solitary Loon
One of my very first publications from the 80s
Printed on a bright white acid free paper
overall image size 17" (H) x 19" (W)
*This print has a very slight wrinkle in the upper edge of the paper and is marked down from its original price. The imperfection is along the edge only and does not effect the image. It will not be visible when matted and framed.

Autumn Mallards
A flock of mallards during their Fall migration.
Printed on a bright white acid free paper
image size 13 & 1/2 (H) x 16 & 7/8 (W)
overall size 17 & 1/2" (H) x 21" (W)
*This print has a very slight wrinkle in the upper edge of the paper and is marked down from its original price. The imperfection is along the edge only and does not effect the image. It will not be visible when matted and framed.